
Crux • They/It • ΘΔ
Rowdy observing the stars
Rowe (Renowned Wolf) • Edah (Witness) • Helicon (Twisted)


Nicknames: Rowdy, Rowbles, Rumble
Age: 32
DoB: June 12th, 1992
Species: Leukos Arsenikon Crux


Personality: INFP-T / 4 Wing 5
Interests: Philosophy, Science, Design, Film, Gaming
Notes: Nocturnal, Partially Colorblind
Identifiers: They/It, Furry, Pansexual, Pantheistic



  • Genderless, no sexual / reproductive organs whatsoever.
  • It stands at 6 feet even, and has a crooked tail spanning roughly five and a half feet.
  • Its ears span roughly one and a half feet tall.
  • It is lithe, weighing only around 135LBS / 61KG.
  • Messy, shoulder-length, unkept dark hair. Sometimes draped over and covering one eye.
  • Like other Leukos Arsenikon Cruxes, alchemical symbol for white arsenic appears as a marking on its chest fluff.
  • Its eyes are coated in a film of luciferin that gives it a bright sky blue glow.
  • Often wears loose-fitting clothing.
  • Wears a collar around its neck.
  • Capable of consuming poison.


  • Timid, shy, but generally social in familiar situations.
  • Enjoys being social, but can stay comfortably isolated for long periods of time.
  • Creature of the night, hates the daylight.
  • Scatterbrained and child-like at times.
  • Can get overly obsessive and emotional towards thoughts and projects.
  • Curious, likes to understand things, to a fault sometimes.
  • Is generally happy and full of energy. Sometimes can become burnt out, stressed, or tired.
  • Sometimes non-verbal, communicates in vague gestures. Body language is emphasized when speaking, usage of hands, head tilts, etc. Can speak perfectly, but sometimes communicates via howls, barks, growls, or trilling.
  • Is afraid of manipulation, and can become easily paranoid of others intentions.


  • Not much is known about the origins of this mysterious entity, having simply emerged from a forest one day. They claim they are from space and drifted around many lonely planets before finding Earth, stating that they instantly fell in love with the world and the life therein. They carry the mark of white arsenic, a trait found in many summoned Cruxes. But, who summoned them...and why?

    Having no clear answer to this question, they spend their days traveling, meeting others, sharing in joy, playing, building, and satisfying their endless curiosity with the wonders of the world.


  • "It is difficult to explain where I am from, it is not as much a place, but an energy or a feeling between realities. One day I wasn't, then suddenly I was; my time is finite, and one day I will go home."
  • "Of all the planets I have been to, yours is the one with the best view of the cosmos. You can't even see the sky in most atmospheres, and there are very few places with others to keep you company."
  • "I've always considered myself to be an interloper, even to those of my own species, but I love them all the same, they are my family."
  • "The universe has taught me that much of it is composed of ... nothing. Pointless things, things with no meaning. Many people feel the same way of themselves, as do I at times. But it is ok to feel these things, not everything has to mean something or have some kind of place, sometimes it's nice to just ... be."
Cruxes are a species created by Malluch Cleaver

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